Make Capitalism History *
Image by Sterneck
Aufruf zur Internationalen Gro?demonstration in Rostock
am Samstag, 2.6.2007
Make Capitalism History
? Alle f?nf Sekunden stirbt in der Welt ein Kind an Hunger, mehr als 800 Millionen Menschen sind chronisch unterern?hrt. Ma?geblich verantwortlich hierf?r ist eine ungerechte Welthandelspolitik, wie sie im Rahmen der G8 und anderer internationaler Institutionen von den reichen Industriel?ndern betrieben wird.
? Trotz der vollmundigen Versprechungen vom G8-Gipfel in Gleneagles 2005 wurde den L?ndern des S?dens bislang nur ein geringer Teil ihrer Schulden erlassen.
? Indem sie Liberalisierung und Privatisierung vorantreiben, haben die G8 Armut nicht nur im globalen S?den, sondern auch in den Industriel?ndern verst?rkt. Die weltweite Pl?nderung von Rohstoffen und anderen nat?rlichen Ressourcen wird beschleunigt.
? Zugleich schotten sich die reichen Industriel?nder immer st?rker gegen Fl?chtlinge und MigrantInnen ab. Die dennoch Eingereisten werden illegalisiert und als rechtlose BilligarbeiterInnen ausgebeutet.
? Die G8-Staaten sind die gr??ten Klimazerst?rer. Sie allein sind f?r 43% des weltweiten CO2-Aussto?es verantwortlich und stehen zudem f?r eine Renaissance der Atomenergie, die wir entschieden ablehnen.
? Die G8-Staaten sind verantwortlich f?r 90% der weltweiten Waffenexporte und eine neue ?ra von Rohstoffkriegen. Sie sind Vorreiter einer auf Krieg gest?tzten Weltordnung, die in vielen L?ndern zu Flucht, Vertreibung, neuem Hass und Gewalt f?hrt.
Die von der Dominanz der G8 gepr?gte Welt ist eine Welt der Kriege, des Hungers, der sozialen Spaltung, der Umweltzerst?rung und der Mauern gegen MigrantInnen und Fl?chtlinge. Dagegen wollen wir bei unserer Gro?demonstration am 2. Juni 2007 in Rostock protestieren und die Alternativen dazu aufzeigen. Gemeinsam mit Millionen Menschen in aller Welt sagen wir: Eine andere Welt ist m?glich!
? F?r die sofortige Streichung illegitimer Schulden und eine faire Entschuldung der L?nder des globalen S?dens!
? Gegen den Ausverkauf ?ffentlicher G?ter und Dienste ? f?r gleiche soziale Rechte und Standards weltweit!
? F?r einen schnellen und radikalen Wechsel zu den erneuerbaren Energien. Zusammen mit einer deutlichen Erh?hung der Energieeffizienz und der Umstellung auf ein nachhaltiges Wirtschaften k?nnen nur so ein gef?hrlicher Klimawandel und weitere Kriege um ?l- und Gasreserven verhindert werden.
? F?r den sofortigen und endg?ltigen Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie und f?r vollst?ndige weltweite atomare Abr?stung!
? F?r ein solidarisches und gleichberechtigtes Zusammenleben aller Menschen ? gegen jede Form von Rassismus und Faschismus!
? F?r die ?berwindung von Mauern und Grenzen! Gegen Lager und Abschiebungen!
? F?r eine friedliche Welt! Schluss mit der milit?rischen Durchsetzung wirtschaftlicher und machtpolitischer Interessen durch die G8-Staaten!
Globalisierung im Interesse der Mehrheit der Menschen bedeutet faire Beziehungen zwischen Industrie- und Entwicklungsl?ndern, bedeutet Frieden, Gerechtigkeit, soziale Sicherheit, Demokratie und Bewahrung der Lebensgrundlagen des Planeten f?r die n?chsten Generationen.
Eine solche andere Globalisierung entsteht nicht auf exklusiven und abgeschotteten Gipfeltreffen, sondern von unten aus der globalen Bewegung von Menschen und Initiativen, die sich f?r eine andere, bessere Welt einsetzen. Diese globale Bewegung wird sich mit zahlreichen Aktionen und Veranstaltungen w?hrend des G8-Gipfels zu Wort melden. Auf der Internationalen Demonstration am 2. Juni 2007 in Rostock werden wir die Gr??e, St?rke und Vielfalt unseres bunten und breiten Protestes un?bersehbar machen.
(ver?ffentlicht am 26.2.2007)
Another World is Possible!
G8 Summit in Heiligendamm, Germany
Call to International Demonstration in Rostock, June 2, 2007
At the beginning of June 2007, the governments of the seven most important industrialised countries and Russia will meet for the ?G8 Summit? at the Baltic seaside resort of Heiligendamm. The ?Group of 8? (G8) is an institution without legitimacy. Nevertheless, as a self-appointed informal world government, they make decisions which affect the whole of humanity. The policies of the G8 stand for a neoliberal globalisation and deregulation, economic policies oriented towards the capital returns of international financial investors and companies.
? Every five seconds, a child dies somewhere in the world from hunger. More than 800 million people are chronically malnourished. Primarily responsible are unjust world trade policies, forwarded by the rich industrialised countries within the G8 and other international institutions.
? Despite the whole-hearted promises of the G8 Summit at Gleneagles in 2005, until now only a small proportion of the debt of Southern countries has been cancelled.
? Through their promotion of liberalisation and privatisation, the G8 have not only increased poverty in the global South, but also in the industrialised countries. The worldwide plundering of raw materials and other natural resources is being accelerated.
? At the same time as the rich industrialised countries seal themselves off from refugees and migrants, those who nevertheless arrive are illegalised and exploited as cheap labourers without rights.
? The G8 states are the biggest destroyers of the climate. They are alone responsible for 43% of worldwide CO2 emissions as well as being in favour of a renaissance of nuclear energy, which we decidedly reject.
? The G8 states are responsible for 90% of worldwide weapons exports and a new era of war for raw materials. They are the leaders of a world order based on war, which leads to migration, displacement, new hate and violence in many countries.
The world shaped by the dominance of the G8 is a world of war, hunger, social divisions, environmental destruction and barriers against migrants and refugees. At our mass demonstration on 2 June 2007 in Rostock, we want to protest against this and show the alternatives. Together with millions of people around the world we say: Another World Is Possible!
? For the immediate cancellation of illegitimate debt and comprehensive debt relief for the countries of the global South!
? Against the sale of public goods and services ? for equal social rights and standards worldwide!
? For a speedy and radical transfer to renewable energies! Dangerous climate change and further wars for oil and gas reserves can only be prevented through a significant rise in energy efficiency and the transfer to a sustainable economy.
? For the immediate and permanent abandonment of nuclear energy and for complete worldwide nuclear disarmament!
? For the showing of solidarity with, and the living together with equal rights, of all people ? against every form of racism and fascism!
? For the overcoming of walls and borders! Against detention camps and deportation!
? For a peaceful world! End the military imposition of economic and power-political interests through the G8 states!
Globalisation in the interests of the majority of people requires a fair relationship between industrialised and developing countries, and means freedom, justice, social security, democracy and the conservation of the planet?s natural resources for the next generation.
Such an alternative globalisation will not result from exclusive and insular summit meetings, but rather from below out of the global movement of people and initiatives who stand up for another, better world. This global movement will make itself heard through numerous actions and events during the G8 Summit. At the International Demonstration on 2 June 2007 in Rostock, we will make the size, strength and diversity of our colourful and broad protests visible.
Article by Personal Finance Guru
Freedom Debt Relief USA (FDR) might be one of the companies chosen for debt relief in the country. This firm, a member of the Better Business Bureau might be the place where one might get reliable advice and solutions to be debt free in as less a time period as two years to four years depending on the amount of debt one owes and how much one might be able to spare towards payment of debt. FDR might be trusted by many as it might have helped them get rid of their mountain high debts. The company; most regarded for its just practices and setting high standards while helping people with their debt, might be the right choice for an individual who can no longer pay the debts. The company?s Freedom Fresh Start program might be a good choice.
Usually any company that offers debt relief services would charge a fee for the services rendered. The fee might usually be a percentage of the amount of debt settled or the amount of payments made to the creditors after negotiations. At FDR, the usual fees for rendering services might be up to 21 percent of the debt amount enrolled. Usually debt relief and debt management companies might charge a fee upfront at the time of enrolment irrespective of the result obtained due to their negotiations. When one enrolls for Freedom Fresh Start program one might rest a little as there would be no charges levied at the time of enrolment and the fee would be charged only when the enrolled debts reduce because of the efforts put in by the employees of the company. This might be good as one would only like to make payments if one sees results.
Depending upon one?s debt evaluations made by the company, the counselors employed would make recommendations as to which program might serve one?s debt needs. The company provides various debt relief programs. Bankruptcy, credit counseling, minimum payments and debt consolidation might take one a very long time to get rid of debt. Usually bankruptcy might not be a good choice as it involves the law and the time taken to resolve the debt problem might be long and the experience might also turn out to be quite harrowing, not to mention the shot one?s credit report might get. At FDR, the process of debt relief lies in identifying the type of solution that might best serve one?s purpose after evaluating one?s debt and financial constraints. Usually credit counseling to debt resolution or debt consolidation might be the range of options that would be looked into and the best solution would be suggested. One would merely have to sign in for a debt relief program and make single payments to a trust account set up by FDR which would be utilized to help you get debt free according to the type of debt relief measures one might have agreed for. The best part of signing in to a debt relief program might be that one?s debt troubles would be taken over and sorted out by a company who has the expertise and knowledge to help people get debt free.
Once one has enrolled for a debt relief program and the overall debt starts to reduce, one might be tempted to use the cash that is freed. It might however be prudent to get into the habit of saving for a rainy day instead of spending the extra freed up cash. It might be smart to reduce the usage of credit cards and may be close all high interest credit card accounts and keep only one or two low interest rate card accounts or better still pre-paid credit cards to be used in case of emergencies. A debt relief program might be tough to go through while it lasts, but the results achieved in the form of a debt free life would be immense. The trick though would be not to fall into the same debt trap again.
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