Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Important Newbie Email Copywriting Principles | Lottery Syndicate

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Email copywriting isn?t nearly as complicated is it looks. The idea of writing copy for email is strange for lots of people but the simple fact is that it isn?t anything more complicated than basic copywriting. As an Internet marketer you should understand that email is the most important tool in your arsenal. Until you can use email effectively, you cannot possibly hope to build a long term and sustainable business. Your real question, then, is how can you make sure that your emails are as effective as possible. What approach must you take to ensure that you?ve created email copy that will convert? This article will address this specific issue and help you figure out how to go about the writing of your email copy.

First and foremost; you have to see to it that you?re not dragging your copy. Beating around the bush is a strict no-no when you?re writing copy for your email. Be as direct as possible, and don?t use any more words than you need. Most of your readers have an inbox full of messages and they don?t want to spend much time on any single one.

Just because someone starts reading your email doesn?t guarantee they?ll finish it if they find it too difficult. Be clear about the purpose of your email, and then stick to this and don?t wander off course. Don?t make it too long when not required. You need to accept that people do not read emails; instead, they scan through them. They don?t like to see huge chunks of text in their emails. This means that your email copy does not just need to be readable, it needs to be easy to scan as well. Anybody who glances at your email needs to be able to get the gist of what you want to say. Use short paragraphs and subheadlines to break down your copy to make it more readable. Keep your sentences on point so that they are easier to read. Your primary goal here is to offer your readers something that they aren?t going to need to struggle with. Your copy should be enjoyable, short and to the point.

If you can effectively promote one offer in your email copy, that?s sufficient. If you start piling up different offers in one email, your readers will get overwhelmed. Readers will not know which way to turn if you?re mentioning a free video, an ebook and a membership site all in one email!

Understand that your readers need clarity just the way you need clarity when writing the copy. Have all of your copy centered around one strong call to action and your results will be much better. The whole purpose of your copy should be to inspire your readers to take a certain action. Keep your copy as simple and targeted as you can. Each and every email that you send out is going to matter. Even when you?re just writing to your joint venture partners, the emails matter. It?s important that the copy you compose convinces the reader that this is it. Bad copy can easily confuse a reader or sales prospect. This will wind up giving you a conversion rate that you might not like so much. So if there is one thing that you need to focus on more than anything else when you are running an email marketing campaign, it better be your copy. So start putting these email copywriting tips to use and watch your results climb right in front of your eyes.


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